What's the most Goggle-able series in all of DC's NEW 52? Why, FLASH, of course! Followers of the Fastest Man Alive already know it to be among the most entertaining and electrifying series we produce, and that the team of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato have crafted a Flash for the ages. But FLASH readers are also pretty hip to the fact that the series dangles crazy-sounding comic-booky science terms every other page. Stuff like "the law of congestion." Or "augmented cognition." And, get this, "pig-extracted extracellular matrix." What's even more mind-bending is that all of this seemingly made-up comic-book science is ACTUALLY REAL. Go ahead, Google it all. We'll wait right here. See, Francis and Brian pride themselves on applying cutting-edge science and technology to a series that understandably must move much faster than every other comic book out there. When you read it, you'll not only get a humdinger of a tale, you'll learn a really cool thing or three. FLASH #3 is out next week, so be sure to reserve your copy now. I'm not exaggerating when I say this is a series that we'll all look back on someday and say, "Man, that was some of the most fun comics I've ever read..." And those will be memories you won't need to Google. -- Brian Cunningham, Editor