This weekend, Gotham announced who will be playing Detective James Gordon on the show… and they’re keeping it in the Bat-family.

Actor Ben McKenzie will step into the shoes (and possibly trenchcoat) of the DC Universe’s most well known police officer for Gotham, which is in development for Fox.



While this will be Ben’s first time embodying Gordon, he’s definitely not new to the world of onscreen law enforcement, having held down the role of Officer Ben Sherman for five seasons on Southand. Nor will not be his first dip into the world of Batman. As many fans have already pointed out online, he previously voiced Batman himself in the well regarded animated adaptation of Batman: Year One.

In case you’re unfamiliar with Gotham, it focuses on the earlier years of Jim Gordon’s career, when he’s a newly made detective on the force. While Gordon is the lead role, earlier this year Fox Entertainment Chairman Kevin Reilly announced that the show will also include a young Bruce Wayne, as well as several of Gotham City’s more prominent villains.

We're certainly happy to welcome our new James Gordon aboard, and it appears we're not the only ones...



UPDATE: Four more Gotham cast members were just announced, including Alfred Pennyworth and one of Batman's classic foes. Read about them here.