light_up_rings_web This July, you can do what no other Lantern could – hold the power of the entire Lantern spectrum in your own home. Just be careful, OK? From DC Direct comes the BLACKEST NIGHT POWER RING SPECTRUM PVC Ring Set, which features designs that are authentic to the hit comic series. Each of the wearable, adjustable plastic rings (one each in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black and white) instantly lights up with a long-lasting LED bulb when you slip the ring on your finger. You can also turn off the light manually and change the battery by using a key that comes with the set. Packaged in a deluxe window box, the rings make for a eye-catching display when they are not being worn. And as you can see from the photo above, the rings are not only supremely powerful, but extremely stylish.