Tomorrow, all bets will be off in the climactic conclusion to DC UNIVERSE ONLINE LEGENDS. In this final battle of epic proportions, Superman, Batman and Lex Luthor will have to work together to fight Braniac, avenge their loved ones and save Earth. 


“DC UNIVERSE ONLINE #26 comes out this week and is the culmination of a year-long bi-weekly book inspired by the DC-Sony online MMO game,” acclaimed series writer Marv Wolfman told THE SOURCE. “Brainiac has come to Earth and only Superman, Batman and Lex Luthor can stop him. But can Superman and Lex, the oldest of mortal enemies, work together to stop this intergalactic menace? Even in this last issue there will be many surprises and twists. Speaking as the writer (the early issues were split between me and Tony Bedard but I took over the full writing chores about six months ago), this book has given me tremendous freedom to do things with the characters we've never seen done before. I've loved writing it, working with my editor, Ben Abernathy, and all the tremendous artists he's brought to each issue, with special kudus to Mike Miller and Howard Porter who did the majority of the issues with me. Great work!”


DC UNIVERSE ONLINE LEGENDS #26 is written by Marv Wolfman and is illustrated by Howard Porter and Livesay. Click here to see an exclusive preview of the issue.