The S shield. The bat symbol. A Green Lantern’s ring. All of these iconic stamps symbolize who the characters they belong to are and what they represent.


Fans of the original WATCHMEN are more than familiar with the classic smiley-face pin that belongs to the infamous Comedian. Who could forget the iconic spattering of the character’s blood across the pin in the book’s opening scene?


But how did the Comedian get this smiley pin? What’s the sentimental value it holds that causes him to keep it on him at all times?


If you’ve already read BEFORE WATCHMEN: SILK SPECTRE #3 (which hit stores this past Wednesday), you saw how the Comedian came to acquire this pin. But if you haven’t already picked up your copy of the issue, then stop reading this post (spoiler alert ahead!).


Below, check out a few panels from BEFORE WATCHMEN: SILK SPECTRE #3 that depict just how the smiley-face pin ended up in the Comedian’s possession. And don’t forget to share in the comments section below any other Easter eggs you may have noticed in the BEFORE WATCHMEN titles you’ve read so far!