Launched in September as part of DC Comics’ historic “Zero Month,” TALON centers around Calvin Rose, the Talon who managed to escape his doomed fate. Co-written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV and featuring art by Guillem March, this all-new ongoing series spins directly out of this past spring’s “Night of the Owls” crossover event that spanned the Bat-family of titles.


Fans who have already read TALON #2 (which hit shelves yesterday) were left with one heck of an ending. And with a cliffhanger like that, the series is only just getting started. So what’s next for the former assassin in the middle of it all? For starters, a trip to New York City in the upcoming TALON #3!


“Issues 3 and 4 are part of a 2-part story -- and it's a big one!” Tynion IV teased to MTV GEEK about what’s on deck for the series. “#3 is going to take Calvin Rose to New York City, which is a place where he has a very strong personal history with. We're going to see that this is where Calvin first went when he escaped The Court Of Owls. And we're also going to see the return of Casey and Sarah Washington, the two people from #0 who he refused to kill; this is where they start coming back in a really big way. We're really going to be digging into what Calvin was up to when he first escaped from the Court, what his first real actions were -- and what he and Casey tried to build in the City before he left. We're also going to see some new antagonists for Calvin that we're going to hint at at the end of issue 2 … there's a lot of cool stuff happening in this issue! And it's going to have a huge impact on the direction of the series to come.”


For more sneak peeks at the New York-set TALON #3 and hints at future issues, check out some more interviews with Tynion IV that ran this morning in MTV GEEK, COMIC BOOK RESOURCES, NEWSARAMA, and COMIC VINE. And don’t forget to pick up TALON #3 when it flies into stores on January 2, 2013.


(Interior art from TALON #3 by Guillem March)