There's not a better place in town to find a secret!

Things got a little… freaky on tonight’s episode.  Here is this week’s #DCTV Secret you’ll be talking about tomorrow:

  • Who is Lucius Fox?

Want to carry on the conversation about the #DCTV Secrets.  Jump on #DCTV in Twitter and see what clues others have found.




Don’t go any further if you don’t want to know any more.  But of course you do and you will.





Meet Lucius Fox

One of the most beloved characters in Batman’s comic book world makes his debut on this episode.  Lucius Fox is one of the most trusted confidant’s of Bruce Wayne, eventually rising to become CEO of Wayne Enterprises.  Along the way he’s protected Bruce, and his assets, and helped design some of the amazing tech that Batman will use in his crusade. 

Want more #DCTV?

See you next week!
