We interrupt the regularly scheduled GRAPHIC CONTENT posts with a note from Dave McCullough, one of the tech gurus from our amazing and supportive DC Online department --they're so amazing that they're actually turning a Luddite like me into much less of one. Well, enough from me, over to you Dave. Hey everyone, we've discovered an issue that prevents new users from registering for the blog. We're working on correcting it, but the fix will require a slight change to the blog's address. Unfortunately, changing the blog's address may break the RSS feed for anyone who has subscribed already. If this happens to you, just return to the blog and re-subscribe to the feed. The address change may also affect any links or bookmarks you have made. To reduce the chances that you'll lose track of us, we will temporarily redirect the old address to the new one. To be safe, you should update your bookmarks. To be even safer, you can bookmark us or link to us using our shortened address, vertigoblog.com. This one will always point you to the right place. Sorry for the inconvenience and for those of you that helped us find the trouble, thanks for bringing it to our attention! We'll keep you updated as we have more info.