This week in an all new RED HOOD/ARSENAL #9, “Harmed and Dangerous” part two, Roy, Jason and Joker’s Daughter are locked in mortal combat with the evil Charon beneath the streets of Gotham City! But things in the “Nethers” get really crazy when Joker’s Daughter attempts to save the day herself! Is she crazy-brave…or just plain crazy? Find out in RED HOOD/ARSENAL #9 written by Scott Lobdell with art by Javier Fernandez.

Then hot off the press in NEW ROMANCER #3, from writer Peter Milligan and artist Brett Parson, it’s the most romantic time of the year! Yes, that time when Casanova tries to have Lord Byron for dinner, Lexy discovers something shocking inside the mysterious Incubator building and infamous spy Mata Hari tries to reunite with a long-dead lover. Meanwhile, Lexy’s nemesis enlists the services of Byron’s daughter, Ada Lovelace, while Raj goes to even more desperate lengths to save his floundering dating start-up. All this and a candlelit dinner on the Golden Gate Bridge in the special Valentine’s Day issue! Check out NEW ROMANCER #3 this Wednesday.