Millison and Morrigan. Morrison and Milligan. However you say it, those bizarre boys are at it again, and all is right with my world. Whenever these guys write for Vertigo, everyone stops and listens because these two most insanely talented, too smart for our own good know what gutsy, passionate stories are all about. They hold the big V record for writing the most creator-owned series for Vertigo, and certainly the most diverse and out-there. Besides the return of SEAGUY (my personal favorite superhero), and the upcoming final storyline in the trilogy, Grant has been locked away writing JOE THE BARBARIAN, a new series that will forever change your view of childhood with Sean Murphy doing phenomenal art. We'll be announcing its release date in the next couple of months. As for Peter, when he's not writing HELLBLAZER, he's been crafting GREEK STREET, an intense saga of epic proportion that has everyone up at the office perched on the edge of the seat waiting for the next script to arrive. The unforgettable cast of characters are now just appearing in a special preview in many of our monthly titles. GREEK STREET is more than a funky street in London; it’s where tales of forbidden love, murder, deadly prophecies and urban magic play out. It's got a real HBO feel, where you know that what you’re experiencing is storytelling and drama at the top of its game, and sometimes gets a bit too hot to handle. Like in the below art with Sandy, a rich girl plagued with visions that portend the unspeakable. Davide Gianfelice’s art gets us going in that visceral way, like all those Italian artists know how to do so well…Gotta love it…and I know you will. grst-114600-new-32