Readers of THE RAY were left stunned with the conclusion of last month’s issue, which found Lucien Gates struggling for his life after a brutal attack by The Director. This Wednesday, witness the miniseries’ climactic conclusion in THE RAY #4 as Lucien and The Director head to combat in their final battle.


“Working on THE RAY was not only fun, but we got to create what we feel is a character in the DC Universe that could be used in so many ways outside our miniseries,” series co-writer Jimmy Palmiotti told THE SOURCE. “We would love nothing more than to have the opportunity to revisit this cast once again. For any final issue, there are a lot of things happening and I think the conclusion will make everyone glad they hung in there with us for the past four months. This series is a classic example of what comics are all about: excitement, fun and character development.”


“You knew Jamal's art was going to be fantastic, but I'm pretty sure no one expected an unconventional, fun, and quirky re-imagining of The Ray,” continued series co-writer Justin Gray. “We broke a number of superhero rules and the funny thing is a lot of you found it refreshing. More than a few of you have been asking for more adventures featuring the newest and possibly brightest hero in the DC Universe. That makes us feel good about the work we've done and we thank all of you for reading. Hopefully the conclusion of Lucien's struggle against The Director and the fate of his world will both surprise and satisfy those who have stuck with us from the beginning. We hope you had fun. We sure did.”


“THE RAY has been the most fun I've had drawing a comic book in quite some time,” said series artist Jamal Igle. “The humor, the action, the dialogue were exciting to read in script form and I only hope that I helped push things along. A lot of that was really attributed to the work Jimmy and Justin did with the story and giving me enough freedom to play with things in my own, lets say, unorthodox manner. I'm an incredibly methodical penciler, and I think that by the time we got to this issue there was a definite feeling of trust between us all. They knew that I was going to give 100 percent because they gave me the same. They allowed me to flesh things out and fill the pages with as much detail as I could cram in. I guarantee that no one will figure out how this story ends or the implications it has down the road in the DC Universe.”

See the exclusive preview here.